One of Jason's songwriting lectures while mentoring at the Taxi Road Rally
2 Grammy Nominations for Thompson Square!
Congratulations to Keifer and Shawna as their dream continues. T2 was up for Grammys: Best Country Duo/Group Performance and Best Country Song!
Jason won his 2nd Hollywood Music Award for "Best Producer" last year for his collective works from the year. In his acceptance speech, Jason thanked his fellow nominees and the Hollywood Music Awards for their commitment to connecting musicians with music supervisors.

Jason and recording artists Alexis and Cherish were interviewed on CBS Eye on The Community which has aired 3 times so far

Stream or purchase our multi-award winning "Season of Hope with The Girls Against Abuse" 

The CD is now available on all streaming platforms and TheGirlsAgainstAbuse.com
Congratulations BC JEAN
for Signing with Sony Music
and for Writing the Double Platinum International
for Signing with Sony Music
and for Writing the Double Platinum International
#1 Hit "If I Were A Boy" Recorded by BEYONCE and REBA McENTIRE

Check out Jason as he is currently featured on Guitar Center's home page
Jason is one of 3 judges for Guitar Centers Guitar Contest Grand Finals and judge for KATY Radio's Idol